When I said I was going to try and not be boring, geting robbed was not what I had in mind! Last night after 4 am, we had burglars in the apartment! They came in through the balcony and got my laptop, my Sony DV camera, my cell phone and my credit cards. My girlfriend cari, was asleep in her sons bed when she saw what she thought was me, grabbing my laptop. She asked what I was doing and the guy just grabbed the laptop and walked down the hall and out the door. Right next to the balcony was a nintendo gameboy and a TV and they didn't tough them. It sure sounds like an inside job. The building management has an employee that has dissapeared. He also took off with our rent, has keys to the main building entrance, and new the balcony door was not very secure. Live and learn I guess, and I'm glad nobody wa hurt.
I also went out and shot some video yesterday. I tried shooting some clips to edit together to show some "slices of life" on the www.dr-tourist.tv site. I plan on having one clip called "street corner cuisine" showing all the types of food one can buy on the street hear. Walking just a few blocks, I grabbed clips of the pickup truck that comes every day selling oranges, onions etc, some fruit vendors, guys hacking open cocunuts to sell the milk, a couple selling rice and chicken out the back of a pickup, shaved Ice, sugar cane being chopped up and sold etc etc etc.
I also tried grabbing shots of the infamous "publicos". the preferred mode of "mass transit" for many dominicans. I just missed getting a shot of a guy getting out of a crowded publico with a live chicken. I will edit together a clip of the "publicos" and "gua guas" to put on my site as well.
I have more to shoot. I shot some more this afternoon without leaving our balcony. There was a truck selling chickens. They would wash them, pluck them and butcher them right in front of the customers in the middle of the street etc! That is the first I saw that! My "novia" wanted to buy some. . . .I passed. I am the pickiest eater I know and I am not buyinmg chicken from the back of a pickup truck!