Monday, October 18, 2004

Yo just testing the email posting capabilities on blogger!

Theoretically I can now post to the blog by email. Then I will have ZERO excuses if I do not update the blog more often! Of course I will dig up some silly excuses such as if I am not currently in the DR etc.

I have also been learning how to publish this blog to my website at, using atom. Apparently Google has taken over blogger and they are coming up with some cool stuff such as using "Hello" to post photos to a blog.

I have decided to start another blog that will be photos of typical Dominican Life rather than tourist type stuff. I plan on carrying my Canon Digital Elf and my Sony PC -09 DV Cam EVERYWHERE I go in the DR to be able to capture special moments on tape and as digital stills. Then I will be able to share some flavor of the DR in multiple ways on multiple