Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm not dead yet. . . .

OK. . . .so it has been a LONG time since I have posted here on the Life In Santo Domingo Blog. I have been very busy and have not been living in Santo Domingo for the last few months. Plans are in the works to move back down after the new year. I have been hard at work with doing some video projects and have shot some new clips for the website. I need to start digitizing and organizing all this new footage etc.

I have made several trips in the months between posts and will post some pics and links to video clips. . . . . just a wee bit after the fact. . . There has been lots of change in the Dominican Republic. Exchange rates are doing a dance, a new president has been elected, a bit more violence on the streets, electricity blackouts have been really bad, and natural gas shortages are not uncommon.

As usual the Dominican People seem to somehow go about life and continue to survive.Hopefully some of their resilience will rub off on me!