Monday, October 18, 2004

This is what makes the DR so great!

If one spends enough time in the Dominican Republic it seems like every day you run into a situation that you find. . . . . .more than a bit odd. . . . .maybe even a bit crazy. . . . . you look around, and you can't figure out why the Dominicans don't seem to even notice? How can people not seem to be phased by such strange goings on? People can walk down the street or be stuck in traffic and not even blink an eye at stuff. . . . . . . .like. . . . . . .this photo.

I was doing some work on webstuff today. Learned a lot about RSS, Atom, XML etc etc etc. Ok, so not a lot, but enough to make my head hurt. I also spent time this weekend surfing the net for more info and content on the dominican republic. I stumbled across a new website at
that had an RSS feed of their up to date Dominican Republic news, so I hacked my way through adding their news to my site.

I also browsed the webs for Dominican Republic related websites and blogs to explore exchanging content, links, ideas etc. I found quite a few blogs with many being in spanish. In one blog done by Osmany, I found the above picture, I'll have to keep visiting that blog to see what else he comes up with!